SUJU三輯SORRY, SORRY...在台灣攻頂了啦!!! <( ̄ㄧ ̄)b
SuperJunior 新專輯席捲台灣各大音樂排行榜
亞洲偶像組合SuperJunior第三張專輯《SORRY, SORRY》繼席捲韓國、泰國各大音樂排行榜之後,又席捲了臺灣各大音樂排行榜。
SuperJunior的《SORRY, SORRY》在臺灣權威音樂排行廣播節目HIT FM的 ‘Hito 排行榜”中,在本月13日至19日統計的亞洲音樂排行榜上,名列第一。
來源: 韓國娛樂資訊網
SuperJunior 《SORRY, SORRY》 conquers Taiwan, after Korea and Thailand
Super Junior's comeback 3rd album title song 《SORRY, SORRY》dominates various music charts in Taiwan, after doing so in Korea and Thailand.
The song was top on various Taiwanese charts like GMusic, FiveMusic etc on the 17th. The song is No.1 for the international category on GMusic for the 3rd week of April in just one week of the album release in the market. Also the song is up #2 for the Chinese songs and Western songs chart.
Also the song is up No.1 on the Asian Chart for Taiwan's radio program HIT FM ‘Hito Chart’ for the 3rd week of April.
Meanwhile, Super Junior is still currently promoting the song 《SORRY, SORRY》 in Korea.
from: KBites
슈퍼주니어 '쏘리 쏘리', 韓-泰 이어 대만 1위 석권
슈퍼주니어 '쏘리쏘리' 대만에서도 1등
form: Daum 韓網新聞
不枉費姐接 A+B版都預購!!!! ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭